THEME: Vessels unto Honour

By Pastor E. A. Adeboye

Text: 2Tim.2 19-22.
Vessel is an objects that transfer a product from source to final destination-2chro 2 : 1-16. There are two kinds of vessels: vessel unto honour and unto dishonour
The most very common dustbin in every home is the DUSTBIN. and that’s why you must never be a dustbin.
Cutleries, drinking cups plates are all vessel unto honour. Many are called but few are chosen-Matt.22:2-14.
To be chosen is cleanliness-1John 1:7.
The cleanliness is to purge one’s self
The vessel to be used must also be clean both inside and outside-Eph. 5:27.
A vessel is an object that serves doesn’t serve himself, Samuel served Eli, Moses served Jethro, Joshua served Moses, Elisha served Elijah, David served king Saul.
The major characteristic of a vessel unto honour must have a servant spirit.


1. The vessel unto honour hears the conversations of the master, they do hear the voice of the master-Exo.3:1-8,Josh.1:1-8,1kgs. 18:1,2kgs. 7:1-11.
2. Every vessels unto honour from time to time feels the master’s touch to be used of the master.-Matthew 8:1-4,8:14-15.
3. Some of the vessel unto honour even touched the mouth of the master -Num.12:6-8, -it’s a show of exceptional love-John 13:21-26.
4. Special protection. -2 Kings. 6:8-17.
5. The vessel unto to honour gets divine preservation- Deut. 34:7,Josh. 14:6-13,2kgs 2:9-12, vessel unto honour don’t die before their time.
To be a vessel unto honour ,you must be clean both in and out, you cannot be a vessel unto honour if you are not born again.


1. Father, Please I want to be a vessel unto honour unto you, Please open my hears to hear from you.
2. Father. touch me and make me completely whole.
3. Father, make me your favourite.
4. Father, keep me safe from harm and evil.
5. Father, I will be a vessel unto honour, Please preserve me.

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