In 7 days, year 2016 will expires and will usher in year 2017. Do you know that God created heaven and earth in 6 days and rested on the seventh day? This means that there is still enough time for God to turn your situation around for good – The expectation of the righteous shall not be cut off and they that put their trust in the Lord shall not be put to shame but they shall be like mount Zion that cannot be moved.
Biblically, seven symbolizes completeness or perfection. I pray into your life that God will send forth is word into your situations, challenges, fears, darkness, etc and there will be light, completion and perfection in Jesus name. Amen
As we approach the end of the year 2016 below are seven prayer points that you can add to our. If you are reading this post and you have no relationship with God yet, there is opportunity to do so now. Please pray this prayer with me otherwise go the prayer points
Dear God, I come to you in the name of Jesus. I acknowledge that I am not right with you, and I want to be right with you. I ask that you forgive me all my sins. I believe with my heart and I confess with my mouth that Jesus is the Lord and Saviour of my life. Thank you for saving me!
In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.
If you have just prayed this prayer, congratulations!
Now that you have received Christ as your Saviour and have made the best decision you will ever make, one that will change your life forever! Please let us know by emailing me at Mail Me so I can rejoice with you.
Prayer Points
1. Father, thank you for the power of your word. Gen 1:1; John 1:1
2. Father, by the power of your word let everything that is without form and void in my life, begin to take shape, let there be orderliness. Gen 1:2
3. Father, by the power of your word let there be light upon every darkness in my life in Jesus name. Gen.1:3
4. Father, by the power of your word, let every red sea on my way to your purpose and plans for me in year 2017 part so I can work on dry ground in Jesus name. Gen.1:10
5. Father, by the power of your word, let every unfruitfulness in my life begin to yield their increase in Jesus name. Gen 1:11-12
6. Father, you have created me in your image, I receive the mandate of fruitfulness, multiplication, increase, to replenish and dominate in year 2017 in Jesus name. Gen.1:27
7. Father crown this year with your goodness and let my path drip fatness in Jesus name. Psalm 65:11
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